This is a recipe we’ve been developing for some time, and it aims to combine two of our favorite beer elements. A light crisp refreshing Pilsner that’s bursting with citrus hop aroma and flavor! This is a take on a classic Czech Pilsner but dry hopped with a couple ounces of Mosaic to provide a…
Month: December 2019
Recipe: OBK Dunkelweizen
A moderately dark, spicy, fruity, malty and refreshing wheat-based ale. This style of ale best reflects the yeast and wheat character of a Hefeweizen, but with the addition of malty richness of a Munich Dunkel. Notes of clove and banana from the yeast phenols and fruity esters, balanced but prominent. The malt character is bready/grainy…
Economics of Homebrewing Part 3
Welcome back to the series where I track (most of) the costs associated with my hobby of homebrewing delicious beer! Writing these has been a fun exercise for me to not only see just how much I’ve spent on the hobby – so, so much 🙂 – but also to compare it to buying the…
Recipe: Northern Brewer Oatmeal Stout
Famed beer writer Michael Jackson is credited with reviving this nearly forgotten old English classic when he wrote about it in 1977. He describes these ebony potables as “firm, smooth, silky, [with] a hint of nuttiness in their complex of coffee, chocolate and roast flavors.” If we could describe our Oatmeal Stout more eloquently, we…
Homebrewing an Avg. Perfect Northeast IPA (NEIPA)
New England IPAs (or NEIPA for short) has been a style of beer that has really taken off in recent years. It’s a bit cliche but it seems like every homebrewer under the sun has been trying to perfect this style. So why not me? To be honest the biggest thing holding me back so…