Welcome back to my ongoing, sort of annual, sometimes more often, tradition of compiling all the costs associated with my personal homebrewing! Making delicious beer is fun, sometimes difficult, but always rewarding and I’ve grown to really enjoy this hobby over the few years that I’ve been at it. Tracking these numbers provides an interesting…
Tag: economics
Economics of Homebrewing Part 4
Welcome friends to my sort of annual, sometimes more often, tradition of compiling the costs associated with my personal homebrewing! Making delicious beer is fun, sometimes difficult, but always rewarding and I’ve grown to really enjoy this hobby over the few years that I’ve been at it. Tracking these numbers provides an interesting insight into…
Economics of Homebrewing Part 3
Welcome back to the series where I track (most of) the costs associated with my hobby of homebrewing delicious beer! Writing these has been a fun exercise for me to not only see just how much I’ve spent on the hobby – so, so much 🙂 – but also to compare it to buying the…
Economics of Homebrewing Part 2
About 6 months ago I wrote the first entry, in what I’ve now decided will be a series of articles, about the economics of homebrewing. The point of the original article was to see if homebrewing was actually a way to save money. Since then I’ve brewed 7 more beers and collected even more data…
Economics of Homebrewing
AKA “Can I save money homebrewing my own beer?” Where I live, in Ontario, Canada, the average price of a case of 24 beers is $34.95 or roughly $1.46 per 355ml beer. If you want to drink some craft beer instead you need to be prepared to pay quite a bit more. So ever since…